Healthy Oats

Healthy Oats

Healthy Oats Benefits

Healthy oats help to manage cholesterol levels & contain a type of soluble fibre called beta-glucan, which studies suggest can help lower your cholesterol level if you have 3g or more of it each day. A 40g serving of oats supplies 2g beta-glucan. They also help balance blood sugar levels.

The fibre, beta-glucan, is also beneficial in helping us manage our blood sugar levels. With studies suggesting it helps to lower levels of blood glucose after a meal and improves our sensitivity to the blood sugar-managing hormone, insulin.

Oats to Improve Gut Health

Healthy Oats may support gut health as Oats are rich in prebiotic fibres. One example is beta-glucan; these are the fibres which stimulate the growth and activity of our beneficial gut bacteria helping them to function. While inhibiting the growth of less desirable or pathogenic varieties. Prebiotic fibres are important for promoting a beneficial gut environment, maintaining proper gut function and for minimising inflammation.

Oats provide protective antioxidants, while whole oats are a good source of protective compounds called polyphenols. These have protective antioxidant properties. One variety of which, avenanthramides, may help lower blood pressure by promoting the production of nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Oats for Weight Management

Healthy Oats like porridge help with weight management making this an excellent meal to start the day, because oats are a source of complex carbohydrates.

Healthy Oats for Porridge

This means they provide slow-releasing energy to get you through the morning. In addition to this, the soluble fibre in oats helps improve our sense of fullness. Reducing our appetite and potentially helping us resist environmental cues to eat. The fibre beta-glucan appears to also trigger the release of fullness hormones which suppress our appetite.

Are Oats Safe For Everyone?

Oats are safe for most people. Although if you are not used to fibre in your diet you should introduce them gradually to avoid bloating and discomfort. As oats don’t contain gluten but may be contaminated during processing. So if you are coeliac or gluten intolerant, always check labels to ensure they are gluten-free. Oats contain a protein called avenin, which although similar in structure to gluten appears to be well tolerated by most, if not all people.

Start Your Day With a Healthy Bowl of Porridge

Put 50g medium oatmeal or oat flakes in a saucepan

Pour in 350ml milk or water and sprinkle in a pinch of salt.

Bring to the boil and simmer for 4-5 minutes, stirring from time to time and watching carefully so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

Or you can try this in a microwave.

Mix the porridge oats, milk or water and a pinch of salt in a large microwave-proof bowl.

Microwave on High for 5 minutes, stirring halfway through.

Leave to stand for 2 minutes before eating.

To serve, pour into bowls, with a little milk, and top with honey, syrup, fresh fruit or maple syrup, delicious!

Ready to start your day healthier with oats? Order your oats today from our online store.

Got a delicious oat recipe? We’d love to hear from you.

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